We have news. After the set of About #RebuildUkraineW posts the main frame of the project is more clear now. And we feel the need to start considering the keywords that open up the world of community involvement in decision-making about the future of the city and the development of architectural projects. That is why we are creating a Dictionary of Participation and launching the educational project Participation: I create a dream city #RebuildUkraineW_Participation.

Let us introduce to you the unicorn character. While he/she is a newborn and without a name. But we are searching and open to your ideas.
Why a unicorn? Because it is a fast growth, dreams, and success. We really wanted the character of our unicorn to be business-oriented, active, determined, ready for change, ready for smart debate, and also positive, daring, and cute at the same time.
So meet, it is this unicorn character who will lead us on the path of knowledge in the field of participation. And it will add entertainment to this trip.
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